Parakeet Sleeping – Everything You Need To Know


This is a common fact that everyone loves birds. No matter if it’s about their voice or their strong flight moves, people regard it as an emblem of affection and hope. There are so many birds worldwide that attain massive attention because of their remarkable features. Moreover, people know their worth and grade them as per their habits. Furthermore, among all the practices, something which counts a lot is their sleep pattern. Trust us; it helps a lot to know about their health and makes it easier to pick something up when your pet bird is sick.

Now the bird which we have focused on today and want to draw your attention is the parakeet. You might have heard the different names of this bird. They are one of the most common types of birds which people keep as their pets. This is because of their beautiful voices and attractive colours. When it comes to knowing their habits, most people look confused and unaware about how they behave in any scenario. The strangest thing, in this case, is their sleep pattern.

Parakeets’ sleep pattern has to do a lot with their physical and mental health. If you focus on it very keenly, you can easily differentiate between their habits and sickness. So, as you probably would have understood the significance, let’s get started.

This is one of the most familiar and fundamental questions which people ask before buying parakeets. After all, no one likes to have a pet bird that sleeps abnormally. Also, it is pretty helpful to figure out any disease state ofrdeficiency if you know the exact answer. Any deviation from this does mark that something might be wrong with your parakeet.

The answer to this query is yes, for sure; like every living being, they have sleep patterns, and they sleep for sure. Usually, they sleep at night. Some people say that they can either sleep whenever there is dark. Some owners also cover the cage during night hours to support the blockage of any extra illumination. Also, if you avoid the noise exposure, mostly parakeets try to avail a regular sleep of approximately 9-12 hours.

So, this is the overall case. Above all, if you find any deviation from this pattern, try to figure out the issue. Maybe your pet bird is sick or deficient in vitamins that have increased its sleep and turned your bird dizzy.

When Do Parakeets Sleep?

As soon as you buy your pet bird, for sure, this is a matter of interest to learn their habits. It is beneficial because you can entertain your pet bird as per their lifestyle. When it comes to birds’ sleep, most people are very much interested to know this as they concern for their psychological health. No matter whatever the condition is, you can quickly get through the details about your bird’s sleep if you have done proper research before getting them.

Now, coming to parakeets, it is observed that they need a good level of darkness to get proper sleep. This means that ideally, parakeets sleep at night. Also, many experts say that if you want them to sleep in the daytime, you can cover the cage to give complete darkness. Still, it is not recommended to some extent as any variation or manipulation can disturb their sleep cycle, and your parakeet may get upset. In severe conditions, only a slight disturbance in sleep patterns can disrupt their health.

How Long Do Parakeets Sleep?

Are you worried about parakeets’ sleeping hours as you don’t get enough quality time with it? If yes, then don’t worry at all. We will highlight facts about their sleeping patterns, especially the sleeping hours of parakeets in everyday scenarios.

Before we begin, it is essential to know that parakeets’ sleep is entirely dependent on various factors. This includes:

This means before you ask for the details of your parakeet’s sleeping hours, make sure you have fulfilled their needs in terms of the above factors that we have highlighted. This is because many times, the situation is not as straightforward as when you provide everything to your pet’s inadequate and controlled fashion.

Parakeets are moderate sleepers. This means that you are not going to see them dizzy or sleepy in the daytime. They continue to be noisy and active during the day. Therefore, they sleep in the dark only. On average, parakeets sleep for 9-12 hours in 24 hours, whereas they only prefer night.

So, now you are well aware of it, and the best way to ensure their sound sleep and health is never to disturb them during the night. No matter what, be sure that you don’t try to turn on their mood at night time. A night of proper sleep in a calming environment is all that your pet bird needs for a healthy and active life.

How Do You Put A Parakeet To Sleep?

All the animals are well aware of the stimulation which turns on their sleeping mode. This is somewhat similar to that of humans. For sure, you have seen people feeling drowsy in night hours. When it comes to giving your pet bird sleep stimulation, you must keep in mind that distracting them from their regular sleep pattern may cause a significant change in their health.

According to scientific research, if you try to alter your bird’s sleeping pattern or try to stimulate it by some external factors, it can directly lead to building up of stress in animals, and they end up having agitative moods and even decreased lifespan. Therefore, try to avoid this practice as much as possible.

Still, if you think that there is some necessity of doing so, try to be a little careful. Try to limit it to twice a month only. Otherwise, the consequences can be somewhat bothering in the long run. Now, the best way to make your parakeet sleep in a hustle or during the day is to cover their cage. Yeah! You heard it right. Covering the cage with some shelter or even a thick sheet that is not transparent can easily make your pet bird fall asleep. This is because the best stimulation for them is darkness, and if you consider it, there is no way left that you miss out to make them sleep whenever you want.

Do Parakeets Sleep With Their Eyes Open?

You might have seen some birds that sleep with open eyes. Indeed, this is quite confusing yet funny. Still, you can easily see many birds around who practice a sound sleep with open eyes. During this type of sleep, birds try to rest half of their brain while the other half remains awake. Commonly, it is called unihemispheric slow-wave sleep. The most exciting part is that this ability is not merely limited to birds, but many other animals are found to sleep in this way. Mainly, the bird feels this level of comfort and smoothness when they want to relax partially.

When we talk about parakeets, they are unique in their behaviors. They have different types of habits which are somewhat unique yet attractive for their owners. Sometimes, new owners question if these birds sleep with open eyes. A simple and easy answer to this query is that parakeet practice this when they feel safe. In another case, they sleep with their heads in an upright position.

You might have also seen your parakeet doing so soon after you have fed them. This is when they are metabolizing their food and don’t spend energy elsewhere. Also, the safer you make them feel, the more profound they enjoy.

Do Parakeets Need To Be Covered At Night?

Parakeets are known to be the most loving animal by people. They are known for their loving nature. Many pet owners get concerned about parakeets’ sleeping habits; either they should be covered or not as the wild parakeets have their nest in the holes, which are called nest cavities. These nest cavities are most commonly used by approximately eighty-five different species of birds of North America. This shows that parakeet’s behavior in the wild.

Things may vary when it comes to pet parakeets, but you can try checking it out with your pet parakeet during the night. If you see no such noise and light problem with your pet parakeet then you can leave your bird uncovered for some nights and observe the reaction to this. As if there will be any problem, the parakeets will show some disturbance; if they are okay with it, they will sleep peacefully.

On the other hand, if the bird shows some agitation or disturbance, you can try covering the birds at night, ensuring they get a peaceful sleep. Even instead of covering them at night, you can try keeping your birds in the dark, quiet, and in an isolated area at night. 

The main reason for covering the parakeet’s cage in the night is that if these birds see any shadow moving, this will disturb them and cause stress in them as they will not be able to know if that’s a predator not. So, covering the cage will be the best option. This will also help them in their sleep. As we all know, your pet needs to have a peaceful sleep for better well-being.

Can Parakeets See In The Dark?

Another concern that many pet owners have shared out is that are parakeets able to see in the dark or not. In general, Birds have this automated information inside them that when it’s dark, they tend to sleep, and they avoid activities. The question arises: Can they see well in the dark or not, or are they afraid of the dark?

The research says the parakeets have sharp eyesight during the daytime, but eventually, in the dark, they cannot see very well. Also, parakeets are slightly frightened at night as well, even from slight noise or movement because they cannot see in the dark. Plus, they get afraid of predators too. That’s why they avoid such activities.

Like all the other birds, parakeets should also be kept in dark places at night to have a peaceful sleep. Depending on your pet’s sleeping pattern, either you can cover their cages, or if they are afraid of the dark, you can also use some night light to prevent their terrifying experience.

How Do Parakeets Sleep In A Cage?

You all must know how birds rest in their nest or birdhouses in the trees or nest cavities. The same goes for parakeet as well. They also don’t have any different sleeping patterns from other birds. A natural branch or nest isn’t necessary; they can also sleep well in cages. 

As obviously, parakeets don’t lie on their back or tuck themselves in their blankets; instead, they use some unique positions for their sleeping that is quite crazy for a human. Every parakeet has some different sleeping positions of its own, which seems quite comfortable for them.

If you also want to know how and when parakeets are sleeping or taking naps, then you can try out some easy-going hacks to know better. You can start by looking at their legs, eyes, and head to know what exactly they are doing.

  • Eyes: If you see their eyes closed, they are very likely sleeping or napping or maybe exhausted and having some rest.
  • Head: The parakeets usually tuck their head in within their feathers when they are sleeping, or they will rest their heads on their back as well.
  • Legs: Another thing to notice about their sleeping pattern is that they usually tuck inside one leg in their bodies, preventing heat loss. 


Parakeets are amiable and fun-loving animals; these are one of the mainly used pet birds worldwide. At some places, parakeets are also called budgies, but both are the same. Referring to them with any name isn’t the issue, but taking care of them and how well you can treat them, ensuring all their needs are fulfilled, comes in your responsibility if you are planning to have them as a pet.

The primary step of having any pet is that you must have enough knowledge about their nature and ways of living because not every animal/ bird is the same. Just basic information about birds is that they can be pretty loud during the daytime, singing and enjoying, but the most important thing is that they do sleep, which is pretty essential. If you want your parakeet to live a happy and peaceful life, then provide the right amount of sleep, even they sleep in different positions.

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